Mythos, Book One Release!

The time has come! The game is afoot!

Mythos, Book One is now a full story. Solve the mystery of Lisa Harrison's death! Discover the supernatural world and secret societies that have lurked just below the surface. Eat some really questionable diner food. Pet a cat.

Seriously, pet the cat. What's wrong with you?

I proudly present my complete game - hopefully the first of many!

Keep the legends alive!
- Nine

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Congratulations on completing Book One, Nine! I've sincerely enjoyed the story.


Wait ... has the diner food always been questionable? Oops. Seriously, thanks Nine, and congratulations on finishing your story!


congratulations nine. i can't wait to replay's been a while,  and i don't remember a lot.  i can't wait to see what else you've got up your sleeve.